Safeguarding Children
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Miss J Cole
Head of School
Miss T Howard
Learning Mentor
Mr G Moore
Executive Headteacher
Miss V Parkinson
Mr Andrew Green
Safeguarding and Child Protection Governor
Mrs S Thompson
Assistant Headteacher
Hadleigh Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare, both physical and emotional, of every pupil both inside and outside of the academy premises.
This policy sets out a clear and consistent framework for delivering this promise, in line with safeguarding legislation and statutory guidance.
It will be achieved by:
- Creating a culture of safer recruitment by adopting procedures that help deter, reject or identify people who might pose a risk to children.
- Educating pupils on how to keep safe and to recognise behaviour that is unacceptable.
- Identifying and making provision for any pupil that has been subject to abuse.
- Ensuring that members of the governing body, the headteacher and staff members understand their responsibilities under safeguarding legislation and statutory guidance, and are alert to the signs of child abuse and know to refer concerns to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL).
- Ensuring that the headteacher and any new staff members and volunteers are only appointed when all the appropriate checks have been satisfactorily completed.
The DSL is: Glenn Moore (Headteacher). In the absence of the DSL, child protection matters will be dealt with by Tracey Howard (Learning Mentor) and/or Lorna Hebden (Deputy Headteacher).
Safeguarding policies
seeat safeguarding and child protection policy hjs 2024.pdf
All of our policies which link to Safeguarding are available on our policies page.
Safeguarding additional documentation and links
- british-values
- capi-essex-self-and-agency-referral-form
- Child on Child Harmful Sexual Behaviours Policy Nov 2024
- Children Missing Education due to Health Needs Policy November 2023
- cse-hotline-letter
- essex-masa-plan-2019-20-updated-280619-v1b
- KCSIE Sept 2024
- what to do if you re worried a child is being abused
- Working together to safeguard children 2023 - statutory guidance
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Understanding and identifying radicalisation
Managing the risk of radicalisation
Case studies of radicalisation
Summer Safety Assembly
On Monday Stephen Parker, the Education Officer for Essex Police and Fire Services spoke to the whole school about how to stay safe over the summer.
NSPCC Speak Out
Thank you to the NSPCC for their brilliant assemblies and work shops on the theme of 'Speak out. Stay safe.' For more information visit
Safeguarding support for families
CAPI Essex self and agency referral form.pdf
What to do if you re worried a child is being abused